Shade Cloth Structures Gold Coast
Multiple Kinds of High-end Shade Structures on the Gold Coast
Shade Structures are required to convert outdoor spaces into comfortable sanctuaries for a number of purposes. Whether it is for an outdoor exhibition or concert or dining, a shade structure is a necessity. There are multiple advantages of erecting shade structures such as protection against the UV rays of the sun, rain and other weather elements, best utilisation of outdoor areas, beautification of the outdoor space and more.
Vector is a premier designer, manufacturer and installer of various kinds of high quality shading structures. This company provides both hard roof and Shade Cloth Structures Gold Coast. The shade structures are offered for both domestic and commercial purposes. Apart from conventional shading structures, special solar panelled shade structures are also offered by Vector.
Shade Sails Structures
Shade Sails is the one of two types of Shade Cloth Structures Gold Coast offered by Vector. The fabric of a shade sails structure forms a canopy by stretching across multiple anchor points and resembles the sails of a boat, hence the name. The tensioned fabric is able to withstand strong winds and also shed rain water easily. The anchor points can be poles or brackets or posts attached to the building.
Vector manufactures shade sails for a number of outdoor areas such as playgrounds, kindergartens, nurseries, car parks, stadiums and more. The shade sails are offered in a plethora of colours and materials and are designed as per the surrounding architecture. Maximum UV protection is the principal feature of the shade sails provided by Vector.
Outdoor Umbrellas
Outdoor Umbrella is another kind of shade cloth structure made by Vector. Both domestic and commercial outdoor umbrellas are offered by this company. The domestic umbrellas are removable, retractable and can be easily transported. The commercial outdoor umbrellas are fixed and heavy duty in construction.
The fabric used in making outdoor umbrellas can be waterproof PVC, high quality mesh or canvas. The frame material can be lightweight aluminium or 350-grade steel. The commercial outdoor umbrellas by Vector are designed to withstand harsh weather elements including strong winds.
Hard Roof Structures
Vector also offers hard roof shade structures for numerous purposes such as car parks, alfresco dining areas, playgrounds, agricultural fields and more. These are permanent shade structures featuring columns supporting a solid roof. The roof can be made of colorbond sheeting or other kinds of materials.
Solar panelled shade structures are also offered by Vector. In such a structure, the roof is made of solar panels which not only provide a waterproof shade but also generate electrical power. Vector not only installs the solar panels but also carries out maintenance works. Solar shade structures are available for both residential buildings and commercial establishments.
Choose vector
Vector custom designs the shade structures as per the specific conditions of the locations where they are to be installed. The company also has reputed fabricators to construct the structures and expert installers to install the same.
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